

"The Foundation operates in Poland, as well as abroad, in accordance with the received permissions and the current legal regulations."

Foundation offers help to victims of road accidents, for whom the resulting disability is a shock that transforms their whole lives. Deteriorating health brings about a feeling of threat and helplessness.

Such feelings are a result of a strong trauma, breakdown and despair connected with becoming disabled. It is hard for victims of accidents to come to terms with the loss of social roles that they have played so far. Such people are afraid that they will never be able to work again and that their future and the future of thier family is endangered.

These fears often manifest themselves in an unwillingness to continue with their treatment.

Becoming disabled so suddenly means that for these people lack of understanding and indefference shown by others are much more difficult to cope with. They are also much more afraid of being rejected which makes it more difficult for them to adapt to the society. Furthermore, the disabled who feel abandoned also find it difficult to live their daily life. However, despite their disability, after a shorter or longer period of adaptation, they start to feel a need to enter into normal relationships with others.

The strategy of the Foundation includes counteracting social exclusion. To achieve this goal we act in such fields of life as health care, culture and leisure. We also strive to help by encouraging full participation in public, social, cultural and artistic life as well as by arousing interest of the disabled in sports, recreation and tourism. Our aim is social and professional rehabilitation of those peole as well as recuperation and health spa treatment to help them regain the lost immunity.

We seek to improve psychological and physical ability of the people we care for, develop their social abilities, improve their self-reliance and help by stimulating and developing their interests. We believe that the disabled have a right to live independent and active lifes and that they have the same rights and duties as the rest of the society. We strive to assimilate those people into the social life and abolish all the psychological, social and physical barriers that put them at a disadvantage. The main goal of the program is to stimulate the disabled to live active lifes, to improve their psychomotor skills, to bring about social development and to abolish barriers, thus creating disabled friendly environment. All these actions are aimed at facilitating independent and active life for the victims of road accidents. Ultimately,we seek to diminish the number of the disabled who lead passive lifes dependent on caretakers and institutions.



Konto bankowe Fundacji:

25 8430 0009 0005
1347 0168 2730

Jestemy organizacj poytku publicznego
numer KRS: 0000198280

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Projekt i realizacja Pikseldizajn